Three decades. It’s hard to believe that I’ve spent thirty years in healthcare. But it’s not just the passing of time that surprises me—it’s the twists and turns that have shaped my journey along the way.
In the spring of 2023, I found myself at a crossroads. Despite holding a prestigious VP role in primary care, I felt a growing sense of disconnect. The corporate trajectory I was on felt rigid and inflexible, like I was merely a cog in a machine. It wasn’t that the company was flawed—in fact, I admired the work they did and the mission they served. But I couldn’t ignore the nagging feeling that there were missed opportunities for innovation, stifled by corporate metrics and protocols.
Despite the perks of the job—great income, travel, and mentorship—I felt inauthentic and was slowly losing myself. I embarked on a soul-searching hiatus, determined to find my true purpose. It was during this time that I had a revelation—The one thing that has always driven me was the desire to disrupt the status quo.
One experience from my past stood out vividly. As an elder abuse investigator, I encountered a heartbreaking situation—an elderly woman living in squalor due to a faulty septic system. Despite the urgency for resolution at its root, my superiors insisted on following protocol. “Donna, we’ve never had someone so outspoken, call in the cleaning crew and process the paperwork.” I was stunned, this temporary fix would guarantee we’d be back in a matter of weeks starting from scratch. How unethical; for the client, our state resources and the mission we espoused.
That moment lit a fire within me. I left social services and entered healthcare sales, where I found opportunities to collaborate with clients and find real business solutions. Yet, as my career progressed, I found myself butting heads with systemic issues once again.
It was a conversation with my life coach that finally made me realize: I needed to make a change. I didn’t belong in the corporate slog—I wanted to be a part of something meaningful; helping people in their darkest days via sustainable solutions.
And just like that, wavering stopped, confusion waned and I made my decision a sole focus. I left behind the corporate world and embraced concierge care; prioritizing instincts over procedure, impact over temporary fixes, and innovation over the status quo.
Now, I’m living out my passion every day—working with seniors, hearing their stories, and assisting families in finding the perfect resources, even if they’re not directly under my care. I’m creating room for families to forge lasting memories and fully embody roles as cherished daughters, sons, and spouses without getting lost in caregiver responsibilities. I’m instrumental in helping people nurture the meaningful connections in their lives and when it comes to support and oversight, well, that’s my job. This is my true calling and finally understand why nothing else fit.
Wow, Donna! Your journey is truly incredible!
Thank you Alex! I really appreciate your support.
I am so ecstatic to have entrusted you with my mom. It’s such a blessing to have found someone truly invested in discovering lapses in my mom’s care, and to have trusted you in rectifying each and every one of those lapses. You have made this transition seamless. So happy you found your true calling! – The Murphy Family